Bootstrap Paradox Explained


What is time? Does it really exist or it is just an illusion?  Time is a fundamental concept that is essential to our understanding of the universe. It is the progression of events from the past, through the present, and into the future. In physics, time is considered to be the fourth dimension of our reality, along with the three spatial dimensions. Time is a complex and multi-faceted topic that has been studied by scientists and philosophers for centuries, and is still not fully understood. Some argue that time is a fundamental aspect of our existence, while others believe it is simply an illusion created by our brains.

Bootstrap Paradox

We know that, typically, the flow of time is linear and it follows a single direction, moving from the past, through the present, and into the future. This means that events that occurred in the past can influence our present and our present actions can shape our future. However, events from the future cannot influence the past. No matter what actions we take, they cannot change what has already occurred.

But what happens if we are able to travel back in time? Will our past remain unchanged? The answer is no. When we consider the possibility of time travel and going back in time, we encounter numerous paradoxes. These paradoxes make many scientists believe that time travel is impossible.

The bootstrap paradox is one of those paradoxes.

What is Bootstrap Paradox?

The Bootstrap Paradox is a concept that arises when a time traveler goes back in time and changes an event, creating a loop of causality. This loop makes it difficult to determine the origin of the event, as it seems to have no beginning or end. It is called the "Bootstrap Paradox" because it is as if the event is pulled out of thin air, or "bootstrapped" into existence. This paradox is often considered in the context of time travel and raises questions about the nature of causality and the potential consequences of changing events in the past.

 Lets now talk about what exactly is this bootstrap paradox in detail:

The bootstrap paradox refers to a scenario in which an object, person, idea, or thought that is brought back from the future becomes stuck in an endless loop, making it difficult to determine its true origin. This is because the act of going back in time and altering the past can create a chain of events that ultimately leads to the original object, person, idea or thought coming into existence in the first place.

Confused about the Bootstrap Paradox? Let's delve deeper with an example:

Imagine you're a physics enthusiast and a huge fan of Albert Einstein. You've spent a lot of time studying his journals and research papers on the general and special theory of relativity, but you still have a few lingering questions. How amazing would it be to meet Einstein in person and have the opportunity to ask him your questions directly?

Years pass and, through your hard work and determination, you succeed in building a time machine. As you prepare to travel back in time, you remember your questions about Einstein's theories and decide to go meet him in the past. Excitedly, you pack some of his research papers to take with you and set the time machine's destination for the past.

Upon arrival, you meet Einstein and excitedly present your questions and the research papers. However, your excitement is short-lived when Einstein tells you that he has no knowledge of these papers and that in the future, he chooses to become a businessman instead of a physicist. Devastated, you return to the present without the research papers. But when you look back, you realize that Einstein had picked up the papers and published them, pretending they were his own work.

Where is the bootstrap paradox here? 

If you think for a moment, you'll realize that the research papers you took to the past and gave to Einstein, they exist, but they don't have their true origin. In other words, you can't tell who wrote those papers first. Einstein didn't write them, as it was you who gave them to him, and neither did you write them, as you first read them as Einstein's work. So, who actually wrote them? The papers exist, but they don't have a clear origin. They were simply taken from the future and got stuck in an endless loop, creating the bootstrap paradox.

A popular Netflix series "Dark" explores this same paradox. The show features many lines of dialogue that touch upon paradoxes, loops, and time travel such as:
  1. Everything is connected.
  2. Where is the beginning? When is the beginning? Is there a beginning at all? 
I hope this example helps you understand the concept of the bootstrap paradox.

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